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Become a wedding pro

Prerequisites:  No prerequisites are required for this training


- Discover the world of marriage and identify its protagonists.

- Know how to propose a service offer and know the distribution media.

- Know and use the elements of management and promotion.

- Distinguish the different layers of the skin and their roles.

- Interpret the needs of future brides and grooms.

- Adapt and design beauty treatments adapted to future brides.

Duration:35h00 i.e. 7h/day/5days

Access terms:

- Only in person

- Inter-company: groups of interns from different companies

- Intra-company: groups of trainees from the same company

- In individual lessons


Access times: 15 days before the start of the training

Prices: 250€/day or 1250€

Payment terms :

Bank transfer, check or cash. Possibility of payment in 3 installments without fees.


Claudia CORTES

Makeup artist & trainer since 2013



Methods used:

Theoretical and practical methods in expository, demonstrative, interrogative and active forms through the use of whiteboards.

Evaluation methods:

- Theoretical multiple choice questions: 20min / Coefficient 1

- Practical situation: 1h30 / Coefficient 1

A training certificate is given to trainees who have obtained a minimum result of 10/20.


Accessibility for disabled people:

Do you have a disability? Do not hesitate to contact us to offer you a suitable offer.

General conditions of training service provision:


Result July 2023: Beauty & Brides

Success rate: 100%

Number of participants: 1

Need more information?

Planning, detailed program, necessary equipment?

We are at your disposal by email to answer you: 

Make-up advanced training:

Prerequisites:  Day&Night training or equivalent


- Put into practice beauty treatments of different intensities (day and evening) and for brides.

- Discover new makeup techniques;

- Adapt and design beauty treatments adapted to customer needs

Duration:9:00 p.m. i.e. 7 hours/days/3 days

Access terms:

- Only in person

- Inter-company: groups of interns from different companies

- Intra-company: groups of trainees from the same company

- In individual lessons

Access times: 15 days before the start of the training

Prices: 250€/day or 750€

Payment terms :

Bank transfer, check or cash. Possibility of payment in 3 installments without fees.


Claudia CORTES

Makeup artist & trainer since 2013



Methods used:

Theoretical and practical methods in expository, demonstrative, interrogative and active forms through the use of whiteboards.

Evaluation methods:

- Theoretical multiple choice questions: 20min / Coefficient 1

- Practical situation: 1h30 / Coefficient 1

A training certificate is given to trainees who have obtained a minimum result of 10/20.

Accessibility for disabled people:

Do you have a disability? Do not hesitate to contact us to offer you a suitable offer.

General conditions of training service provision:


DAY makeup training & NIGHT:

Prerequisites:  No prerequisites


- Discover the use of different makeup products and instruments.

- Distinguish the different stages of a makeup protocol

- Interpret customer needs.

- Adapt and design beauty treatments adapted to customer wishes and occasions.

Duration:9:00 p.m. i.e. 7 hours/days/3 days

Access terms:

- Only in person

- Inter-company: groups of interns from different companies

- Intra-company: groups of trainees from the same company

- In individual lessons

Access times: 15 days before the start of the training

Prices: 250€/day or 750€

Payment terms :

Bank transfer, check or cash. Possibility of payment in 3 installments without fees.


Claudia CORTES

Makeup artist & trainer since 2013



Methods used:

Theoretical and practical methods in expository, demonstrative, interrogative and active forms through the use of whiteboards.

Evaluation methods:

- Practical situation: 1h30 / Coefficient 1

A training certificate is given to trainees who have obtained a minimum result of 10/20.

Accessibility for disabled people:

Do you have a disability? Do not hesitate to contact us to offer you a suitable offer.

General conditions of training service provision:


Training in new makeup trends:

Prerequisites:  Day&Night training or equivalent


- Decipher how to create a makeup look

- Interpret emerging trends and their creators

- Design beauty treatments adapted to current trends

Duration:9:00 p.m. i.e. 7 hours/days/3 days

Access terms:

- Only in person

- Inter-company: groups of interns from different companies

- Intra-company: groups of trainees from the same company

- In individual lessons

Access times: 15 days before the start of the training

Prices: 250€/day or 750€

Payment terms :

Bank transfer, check or cash. Possibility of payment in 3 installments without fees.


Claudia CORTES

Makeup artist & trainer since 2013



Methods used:

Theoretical and practical methods in expository, demonstrative, interrogative and active forms through the use of whiteboards.

Evaluation methods:

- Practical situation: 1h30 / Coefficient 1

A training certificate is given to trainees who have obtained a minimum result of 10/20.

Accessibility for disabled people:

Do you have a disability? Do not hesitate to contact us to offer you a suitable offer.

General conditions of training service provision:


Coaching beauty professionals and students:



- Strategic business analysis

- Implementation of shares

- Management/Marketing of the beauty world

- Event, communications and adapted tools

- Support in the design of innovative techniques and protocols

- Analysis and monitoring of impacts


Je suis Claudia Cortes

Maquilleuse professionnelle depuis plus de 10 ans et aujourd’hui à la tête de la marque “BLUSH” composée d’une équipe de maquilleuses. Passionnée par les Arts et la Beauté, j’ai choisi un cursus esthétique qui m’a permis d’intégrer le prestigieux groupe français L’Oréal Luxe. Pendant des années, j’ai eu la chance de collaborer avec de nombreux photographes, réalisateurs, théâtres et compagnies de danse, en plus des mariées pour les sublimer lors de ce jour unique. Formatrice depuis 2018, j’ai eu la chance de former plus de 500 professionnelles passionnées en présentiel et à distance.

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